Prove that you guard against the most common cyber threats and demonstrate your commitment to cyber security with Cyber Essentials


Reassure customers that you take cyber security seriously.


Be listed on the Directory of organisations awarded Cyber Essentials.


Attract new business by proving you have cyber security measures in place.

What is Cyber Essentials & why do you need it?

Cyber Essentials is a basic, yet still effective, government-backed programme that will help you protect your company, no matter how big or small, against a wide variety of cyber threats.

Completed as a self-assessment standard, the certification ensures that you are protected from a wide range of the most serious cyber threats. This is critical because being vulnerable to basic threats will make you a target for attacks from cyber criminals.

Because the majority of cyberattacks are looking for targets that do not have the Cyber Essentials technical controls in place, certification gives you peace of mind that your defences will protect you against the vast majority of common cyberattacks.

You're in Safe Hands

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