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How to maximise your office days

Posted by: Jo Love
Category: Blog, Oxfordshire telecoms, Tips and advice, Unified Communications

Many businesses now adopting hybrid working for employees. Although a relatively new working style, it is thought to provide a better work-life balance, save commuting time and costs. When properly implemented and supported, it can hugely benefit both employees and organisations.

However, when you’re only in the office a few days a week it’s easy to to pack in too much and too many meetings, leading to working longer hours and increasing stress levels. Below are some tips on settling back in and maximising those office days. 

Plan Ahead

This is key, especially if your office days are fairly consistent. Decide which tasks are better suited to the home or office environment. Although employees can be as creative working remotely, tasks that require collaboration, conversation, brainstorming are best suited to the office. For the at-home days, responding to emails or data entry may be better. All workers are different, with favoured working styles, so take time to figure out what tasks you’re better suited to and where.

Connect with Colleagues

Touching base with people in the office, whether for a coffee or catch-up in the workplace will help relationships, especially for younger employees or new starters. At GHM it can be logistically challenging getting the team together, but it was great to see so many of the team together for a BBQ recently. Make the effort to schedule face-to-face time as a team.


Some employees worry that when they’re working at home, their contribution will be less obvious than before. However, if you empower and trust your teams, it can be quite the opposite! 

Successful hybrid employees make every effort to maintain communication with colleagues. Stay positive, plan, and have the right home/life balance! 

GHM has worked with many companies since the pandemic on solutions to enable companies to operate flexibly. To chat about the options out there please get in touch with us on 01865 367111.  


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