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Understanding the Benefits of Hybrid Working

Posted by: Jo Love
Category: Blog, Business Phone System, Hosted Phone System, Oxfordshire telecoms, Tips and advice

At GHM we are seeing more and more customers moving to cloud-hosted telephone systems. As businesses progress into more permanent ways of working post-Covid, they are adjusting their technology not just to survive the new conditions, but thrive.

Here, we explore the rise in ‘hybrid’ working, what it is and the commercial and employee benefits.

What is ‘Hybrid Working’?

‘Hybrid working’ describes a working environment where employees split their work between office-based locations and home or other remote locations. Several publicly visible, global businesses have announced their intention to continue this indefinitely, allowing employees to work how and where they choose, including BP, Twitter, Capital One and Microsoft.

While there are many benefits, many businesses are now discovering that the transition to hybrid work isn’t without challenges. Continuing to utilise the existing technology they already had in place may not be sufficient to provide a seamless experience when some employees are in the office and some remote.

Commercial Benefits

Hybrid working can create an environment in which businesses can potentially get the most out of their workforce. Every employee is working in their preferred way, in their chosen environment. GHM are seeing businesses looking at the technology solutions they need to enable this.

The introduction of cloud-based solutions required for effective hybrid working can save cost and increase efficiency if correctly implemented. Reducing on-site hardware for IT and telecommunications and switching to monthly subscription-based services, meaning no upfront expenditure and improved compliance, resilience, and scalability.

Employee Benefits

Employees of many businesses have now either worked in part or entirely from home for 12-18 months. It would be easy to assume the return to the office will be painless, but in some cases, workers have become used to their new routines.

The time gained by removing the need to commute, leading in many cases to a better work-life balance through allowing more time for family, friends, and exercise – these are the most tangible benefit of remote working. Employees also cite having more ability to focus with fewer distractions, IT upskilling and more motivation as further benefits.


Hybrid working can bring commercial and employee benefits when implemented well. Reduced demand for IT and other services can save businesses costs, while cloud migration increases efficiency and agility. Meanwhile, reduced time commuting, better work-life balance and increased flexibility can improve well-being of staff.

However, in a hybrid work environment, employees need to work seamlessly between the workplace and home, so there needs to be easy connectivity between people in the office and those working remotely. Unfortunately, older solutions may not translate seamlessly into hybrid work environments. The business culture may need to adjust to maximise the new opportunity.

To learn more about how GHM can support a transition to hybrid working contact us on 01865 367111.

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