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Why you need a Backup & Disaster Recovery Plan

Posted by: Jo Love
Category: Blog, IT Managed Services, Oxfordshire telecoms, Tips and advice

Often the importance of data is not fully realised until a disaster occurs. Long delays and lost productivity are expensive and damaging. A Backup and Disaster plan should be part of the business strategy. But you may be thinking, why do I need one?  

It has been reported by the ‘British Chambers of Commerce’ that 93% of businesses that suffered from a data loss of more than 10-days went bankrupt within a year, half immediately.    

Cyber-attacks tend to cause various levels of disruption, such as loss of productivity or loss of data. Most UK data breaches were due to human error, with most businesses finding that it was not necessarily a direct result of an attack. They can happen indirectly through things like a damaged relationship with a supplier or client. 

An estimated 70% of cyber attacks target small businesses. The simplest way to protect is to adopt a layered approach, including a cloud-back up. The fastest option, saving time and money.  

For further information please contact us on 0186 65 367111. Or visit our Cloud Backup page here.


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