Many of our customers and Oxfordshire businesses have been talking to us about plans to adopt a significant level of home working, even after Co-vid 19 restrictions have been lifted. Some are even making plans to close their physical offices completely and continue to work remotely.
This has led to reviews of their current business telephone systems, and whether they can support their remote working plans.
Our customers typically fall into 2 broad camps of telephone systems – traditional/on premise telephone systems and hosted/VOIP/IP telephone systems. Here are how the 2 systems differ and which is best suited to adapting to new ways of working:
So you can see that hosted telephone systems or VOIP offer the ideal solution for both preparing for longer term home working or preparing for similar scenarios in the future. Many customers, new and old, are switching from their traditional phone systems to hosted or VOIP systems, at no great cost, and reaping the benefits for their teams.