Top Tips for Home Working
Like many businesses in the UK at this present time, many of the office-based staff at GHM are currently home working. As we have mentioned in our ‘Corona Virus’ message, we have invested significantly to allow this to happen. However, to assist with those new to this, we thought these tips may help.
Follow your same morning routine
It is so tempting to have a lie in and laze around in your PJ’s, but you will feel so much better if you follow your normal routine – take advantage of not having to commute by all means, for some of us that may mean putting on a load of washing or take a short walk!
Stay healthy
Do take time away from your desk – exercise will improve your mood, whether that is walking the dog or some light yoga. Also, at home it is so tempting to grab the biscuit tin! Stay hydrated, do drink plenty of water throughout the day.
Take advantage of technology
It is important to communicate with our teams, so we recommend daily catch ups on the phone or video conference calls, so there is a sense of team spirit.
Be strict with family members
Do explain to partners and older children why you are working from home, and limit interruptions as much as possible. Where possible create a comfortable workstation.