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Wellbeing focus: The Best Ways to Prevent an Afternoon Slump

Posted by: Jo Love
Category: Blog

If you tend to suffer from a bit of a slump at work, usually between 1 pm – 3, you might be interested to know that it is actually a natural response to circadian rhythms, making us sleepy and losing concentration.

But what’s the best way to avoid the slump?

If your office is anything like ours, you’re likely to see a flutter of activity around the kettle at around 3pm. And whilst reports suggest a break from the desk and some hydration (including tea and coffee) definitely helps, sugary snacks are best avoided. Nuts, fruit and savoury snacks are a better pick me up and will get you through to the end of the day.

Exercise is the second most popular activity to beat the slump and the most effective. Our staff members who have access to a gym membership at lunchtime report feeling more energised throughout the afternoon. Those who enjoy a short power walk at lunchtime or early afternoon also say it can be equally effective and stops us from reaching for the biscuit tin!

Music can also be a powerful motivation, so perhaps pop on your headset and listen to an upbeat song before switching back to work mode to finish the afternoon. Switching tasks mid-afternoon can also keep things fresh.

And don’t forget these apply whether you’re working from home or in the office.

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