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How to make the most of AI in cloud telephony

Posted by: Jo Love
Category: Blog, Business Phone System, cloud telephony, Hosted Phone System, Unified Communications

It’s no secret that retaining loyal customers is more cost effective than acquiring new ones. What’s more, personalised services boost customer loyalty. This is where the artificial intelligence in our cloud telephony solutions can be really beneficial.

Buck the trend

While speech and sentiment analysis have been available for some time, the take-up of AI-driven call recording and analytics remains relatively low. Many businesses have yet to grasp the immense value that AI analytics brings to the table.

Lots of businesses processing call data still rely on manually selecting a limited number of calls for analysis. This drawn-out process involves listening to each call individually and the tiresome task of organising and interpreting the data.

Automate your call insights with AI

AI-driven call recording and analytics are game changers for telephony, streamlining operations and providing valuable insights. These systems can significantly reduce call handling time, boost first-call resolutions, and decrease the need for repeat calls.

With AI, users can transcribe, analyse, and contextualise keywords, phrases, and emotional cues. The wealth of data is essential for training agents, ensuring quality assurance best practices, and enhancing products and services by analysing substantial volumes of customer feedback.

Here’s 4 ways that AI can transform your telephone experience:

Call Recording: Seamlessly integrate AI-powered call recording software into your phone system. The solution automatically captures every customer interaction and categorises the data for comprehensive analysis.

Quality Assurance: Use the data to assess call quality based on the criteria aligned with the business objectives.

Performance Metrics: AI analytics generate reports and metrics to measure key performance indicators (KPIs) like call durations, first-call resolution, customer satisfaction, and agent response ties.

Customer Feedback: The AI system can identify and track customer feedback, whether positive or negative. It can even proactively flag recurring issues for immediate attention.

Why not talk to us to see how our AI cloud telephony could give your customer service a boost whilst saving valuable time and resources.

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